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Interiors and Furniture

In order to accomplish a positive result within an integration project, it is essential to work on the right interior design and remodeling, making every installation look good. This way, we see how a Control Room is transformed when working on your false floor, ceiling, lighting, etc.

The operator consoles are a vital part in a complete remodeling work. These consoles are often confused with office furniture, however, given the nature of their use, they require the highest quality standards. These consoles must handle 24/7 usage, including multiple shifts from operators monitoring critical situations, who must always be alert to act upon any kind of situation. For this, it is necessary to have adjustable chairs, tables with polyurethane finish on the edges, interior wiring gutters, sliding drawers for computer equipment, pull-out drawer for mouse and keyboard, separate lightning for each operator, arms monitors, etc. All these features are packaged according to the characteristics of each project, delivering a top-notch custom-made solution to each of our clients.

Consoles and Chairs

Consoles and Chairs The Consoles and chairs that Grupo Covix offers are the result of the search for monitoring furniture with innovative, functional and 24/7 continuous use in Monitoring Centers or War Rooms.  

Each console we have is developed with the highest quality following a modern and high performance line, providing an avant-garde design, modular and technological so that each user has an ideal workspace with the highest design. We know the needs of the market and offer advanced solutions for the integration of furniture in specific work environments through the diversity of arrangements, shapes, materials and colors, creating a link between innovation and comfort in Consoles for 24/7 hours of continuous monitoring and use. 

In this way, it is possible to work under ergonomic and comfort standards that allow workers to perform at their highest level. We meet the expectations of our customers by offering comprehensive advice on the design, production and supply of monitoring consoles that are part of a unique experience.


Currently, the aim is to make a lighting system effective, durable, environmentally friendly and controllable. But not only that, the needs have evolved to the point of being able to control the lighting of any space with different devices and applications. 

To install the best lighting system, it will be important to take into account the size, finish and color of the space, brightness, power, glow, hours of operation and voltage changes, to determine the type and amount of lighting that meets the necessary requirements to provide the best visual performance. 

The result of having a good Lighting System will provide a pleasant environment where users will upgrade their performance and complete tasks more efficiently.

​Interior Design

Nowadays, it is not only enough to have the best technology, screens, furniture or lighting; the Interior Design of Audiovisual Spaces has become the fundamental part of each site, since it allows the implementation of the corporate identity, improving the working environment, increasing and improving the mood of the end users, etc. 

The important aspects to take into account when designing a Monitoring Center, Meeting Room or Audiovisual Space will be: materials, lighting, decoration and functionality, thus improving the physical appearance of the site, but the best thing is that it will improve the way in which the final users react to it. The interior design in a Monitoring Center will not only improve the look of its video wall, but also the presence of the rest of the technological and architectural elements that compose it.

Grupo Covix has an Interior Design Management that can take care of the planning, design and implementation of any Audiovisual Space.

​Ductwork and Piping

Ducts and conduits are an essential part of any technology installation, as they will run over the cables that interconnect the different systems involved. Whenever there is adequate planning in a project, the trajectories of these ducts and conduits are traced so that they can be indicated if they are going to pass through a ceiling, false floor, or walls, achieving an optimum management of the cabling, as well as a clean installation that complies with the international norms and standards for this type of infrastructure.

The Project Design area of Grupo Covix implements these pipelines, or in its case can deliver the plans for the assigned contractors to execute them. Having installed ducts, ladders or pipes according to a well-developed engineering project, we will not only be able to comply with the corresponding norms and standards, but also achieve a clean installation, without cables and connectors in sight, preventing possible electrical failures and achieving a high availability installation that will last over the years.